Why Should You Use an Energy Broker for Your Business Gas Contract?
Often we hear business owners in Perth say “Gas is simple, Gas is cheap”, but is it really? When choosing a Perth gas company or supplier in Perth you need to be aware that there are risks. It is not as simple as just getting rates. There are many hidden costs including CPI, Minimum Take Factor, Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ) and shortfall charge, which can all have a great impact on your business daily gas costs.
Choosing the wrong business gas offer can be detrimental to a business, but choosing the right gas offer can save you money. So how do you know what offer is the right one for your business in Perth?
That’s where we come in.
At Carbon Energy we have the expertise and knowledge and an understanding the Perth industrial commercial gas industry. We have access to high quality, real time energy market data and are able to help our customers stay ahead of the curve in the volatile and unpredictable gas market.
Our team of analysts is able to determine which supplier is the most competitive and suitable for your business gas needs, taking into account those hidden costs and we present it all to you in an easy to understand report to help you make an informed decision.
The best part is that we do all the hard work for you, not only saving you time, but also saving you money.