Challenge Faced by Griffin Coal Mining Pty Ltd.
The Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited (or GMC) is a notable employer in Collie, employing over 500 people. Considering that the mining industry consumes a massive amount of electricity and that electricity charges are always increasing, Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited was suffering from rising electricity costs.
To comprehend their challenges, we began consulting with the company. We were engaged by GMC to manage their energy requirements and to lower their expenses as their Energy usage was becoming a significant cost factor in Griffin’s operating expenses.
GMC chooses us due to the long-established reputation between Carbon Energy and Griffin Coal. The challenge was consistently to achieve a competitive offer with minimum risks to The Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited’s business.
Read more about what advantages and disadvantages engaging with energy brokers have for your business procurement needs.
The work: What We Do
To get a full understanding of how the business operated and the costs involved, we analysed The Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited’s last 12 months data. With the analysis, we can access the best strategies on how to optimise their load.
Upon completion of the analysis stage, we invited all the suppliers to provide a proposal to supply energy for the duration of the contract.
We analysed all the proposals and ran a financial modelling and billing simulation. Contract risks and other factors were taken into account with this analysis. All the proposals were carefully examined, and all information was reconfirmed with all the suppliers.
We provided The Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited with a carefully tailored, simplified Energy Tender Report. The report was easy to read and understand with the inclusion of financial graphs, costs, and contract risk information.
After presenting our Information and tendering advice Griffin Coal had all the freedom to choose the most reliable electricity provider in Perth to suit their needs and conditions. We strive to always give an honest, trustworthy and transparent service in every step of our tender process.
Read more about how the electricity suppliers in Perth will prove beneficial to your money-saving plan.
The Outcome: Results
After all the tendering process, The Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited accepted our proposal. As our company promised, we made the tendering process as simple, easy, convenient and painless for Griffin Coal,the Energy Tender Report is easy to understand, and it helped Griffin Coal to make an informed decision. The Contract came with very minimum risks to The Griffin Coal Mining Company Pty Limited’s business, and the best thing was there was no direct cost involved to Griffin Coal as we got remunerated by the successful supplier.
With the Contract in place, our job continues to the 1st Bill check. We meticulously track our Energy Tender Report to let them know that they are saving with the supplier they are contracted to now.
We managed to secure significant savings from a Specialist Energy supplier for the duration of the Energy contract. Since we assisted them, Griffin Coal has seen a 7% reduction in their electricity cost, translating to electricity bill savings of close to $115,000 per annum.
Read more about the common problems associated with commercial Electricity contracts renewal.